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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday Thoughts in Gifs

I am just going to throw out there that I tend to have an ADD type personality and while I'm fairly well back on track at work after the hell of the last few weeks, my personal life is all over the map. As a result, this post will be all over the map, not very good, and not very coherent.

I'm trying to put music back in my life.  I've missed it. Playing, singing, all of it.

I left a position at a major hospital to teach school.  I am back and decided to go back to college yet once again.  I mean, how many degrees is too many?  I am feeling like this though:

My emotions are all over the map right now - kinda feel like this most days:

There are lots of things I should be doing, things for family, work, school, etc.

But I just want to be wherever this is.

Drinking one or three of these:

Until next time...


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Hi Lisa,

I'm sorry for commenting on your blog but I couldn't find an email address. Random.org picked your comment in my giveaway so if you could email me your mailing address so I can get that to the publisher. connie at kityblog.net

http://essaykings.me/ said...

Hey, don't let music go away. Music once saved my life, when I was lost in the desert. I wrote about this "occasion" in my novel. It wasn't published. Yet. I'm waiting for my life to begin.
Sincerely, Tom